You know the sensation on our tongue when we've had too many sweets or too many chocolates. Gives you the feeling that you don't want to put even a lil more of that into your mouth. Gets bitter? Similarly many other things.... When you do too much of work, too much of travelling, too much of talking, too much of walking, too much sleeping, or too much of anything... We always land up saying that we're sick and tired of doing that thing....
So here comes my question.....
"Does too much of love turn bitter"? When someone loves you over the moon! And takes care of you to his or her last breath, does love get bitter and do you lose interest? Question to be pondered upon.... Aren't there many of us out there who would just be praying that we have someone to love us and care for us all the time?
precisely.. this question has been in my mind for quiet a loong time.. i guess there is no answer as such.
love is just a feeling.. there is no measure for it.. after a period of time we get used to the attention.. so its just an illusion that it fades/ becomes bitter..
to be in love, to be loved you got to love that keeps the love alive..
Thhanks for a great read
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