Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bali, Indonesia - Day Two Itinerary

We planned to start our day by 7 30 but landed up waking up a little later due to the time difference between Java and Bali. Bali follows Manila & Singapore time whereas Java is one hour behind. Our alarm was set with Java time!

Anyhow here's our plan for the day. Will update after each item with pics and a small review.

1. Batu Bulan - Barong & Kris Dance
2. Batuaan temple
3. Ubud area
4. Tegalalang - rice terrace views
5. Kintamali - Batur volcano and lake
6. Sribatu village - spice garden
7. Tirta Empul - holiest water temple
8. Elephant cave

Not bad for a full day's itinerary right?

We're of on the road and the rain is all out to spoil our plans. Let's just hope that the rain stops in a bit. I was told that the view from the mountain wouldn't be good with it raining like this.

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